Our Children's Presentations and Products
Help Them Thrive!
We offer our children's presentations and story times virtually as well as in person, so contact us today!
Our presentations help children deal with strong emotions or learn about writing and art.
Our original EEPWORM® books and toys are great tools for handling big feelings and coping with stress.
Children enjoy expressing themselves through writing, drawing and painting, so they may be inspired after hearing from an author and illustrator.
They can also have fun learning to manage their emotions, especially when they can actively participate with a soft, squishy toy!
Our presentations can help with both!
Children are budding authors and illustrators, so hearing from a published author may help them improve their writing and art skills. They'll leave inspired to express themselves through poetry and painting. Some of them may become authors and illustrators themselves!
During our story times, children can learn how to manage their emotions. We can add a short talk about emotional regulation and explain how our books and toys can help children soothe their stress. Children will leave with new ideas for keeping their cool!
We would love to virtually present to your program, school, conference, libary, parent group meeting, or anywhere children - or the adults who serve them - are interested in hearing about eepworms and emotions!
Contact us to request a free story time and hear about our free product offer! |
Ways to Contact Us:
Schedule an Appointment |
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